Why Willow Wellness?


I have always been drawn to the willow tree. It is so beautiful and majestic! I have memories as a child playing under a friend’s willow tree in her backyard. It was so peaceful and protected. Like a natural fort. No materials are needed to set it up, and there is no need to pick up the pieces and put them away! The branches would sway with the breeze and sunlight would filter in and flicker a golden light. A haven from all other things happening in the world. Time stood still, and I wanted the moment to last forever. As a child, I found myself thinking of this haven to recreate that peaceful feeling. This was long before I knew the term or how to use a “happy place” or a “safe place”. So while some imagine the beach, I am under a weeping willow playing childhood games catching glimpses of the sun sparkling in!

I have come to learn how resilient the willow tree is, its branches are pliable, and they can withstand powerful winds and storms. They bend but do not break easily. Willows are mentioned in the bible several times and have meaning within other cultural beliefs. As humans we can get stressed and come to a breaking point, perhaps we can learn to be more like the willow tree. Perhaps if we look back at those moments we thought broke us, we will see we were more like the willow than we knew.

